Section Quizzes & Final Examination

Love Ed 101

Section 1.11 LE-101, Section Quizzes & Final Exam

The following quizzes can be used after each section. After studying all the sections, the sum of all the quizzes can be given as a final test, or you may choose some of the questions from each section to create the final exam.

Section 1.1 - Introduction to Love Education 101:

1) What were the 3 methods for finding true love?
2) Who benefits from Love Education?
3) What was meant by the "two magnets" theory about love?
4) What was the reason for loving yourself?
5) What is companionate love?
6) What is the first type of love often present at the start of many relationships?
7) What is the reason we tend to fall "madly in love" instead of "rationally in love"?
8) What are some of the possible consequences of falling "madly in love"?
9) What is the best gift a parent can give their children?

Section 1.2 - Definitions of Love

1) What was the definition of love provided by the dictionary?
2) Why was the dictionary definition incomplete when applied to a healthy relationship? 3) What was your favorite definition of love?

Section 1.3 - Types of Love

1) How many Greek words for love were discussed? Can you name half of them?
2) How many were considered risky or dangerous? What were they?
3) What was the word they used for a healthy and happy marriage?
4) What was the highest level of love that couples can reach?
5) How any types of love have you experienced so far?

Section 1.4 - Stages of Love

1) How many stages of love were described?
2) Did you agree with the stages as they were organized?
3) Which stage was a relationship in the most jeopardy of ending?
4) What was the reason that relationship sometimes end during that phase?
5) What was the final stage, which few individuals and couples reach?
6) How many people do you know that have reached this highest pinnacle?
7) Do you believe you can reach that pinnacle? If so, how?

Section 1.5 - Love at Different Ages of Life

1) Where does most of our love come from when we are babies?
2) As young children?
3) In our early school years?
4) What happens in our middle school years?
5) In our high school years, dating often starts to get serious. Why is it difficult for many?
6)What type of mistakes might be made because of fears, possible rejection issues, or lack of relationship training?
7) After finishing primary school, many of us may get married. What were some of the key ways to hopefully create a long term, happy marriage?
8) In early adulthood, after many have gotten married, what were some of the issue you might face? What were some of the best ways to help get you through them?
9) In middle adulthood, hopefully you have attained a high level of happiness and satisfaction in your marriage. What were some of the suggested methods to help your relationship grow? What is the greek word for love that describes a happy marriage?
10) In our senior golden years, what were the two types of love possible to couples that have survived the challenges and thrived to create a wonderful marriage and partnership?

Section 1.6 - How can you Improve your Chances to Find True Love

1) What was mentioned as perhaps the best way to find and keep true love?
2) What was another key to finding true love?
3) What was meant by finding the "right" person for you?
4) How many types of love do you currently have within you? Why is that important? How does it help you?
5) What is the "law of attraction", and why is it important to finding true love?
6) How many authors were quoted regarding the law of attraction? 8? 12? 15?

Section 1.7 - Learning and Growing "Love for Yourself"

1) What did Confucius have to say in regards to loving yourself?
2) What were 2-3 of the other ways to improve love for yourself?
3) What was meant by "Love your neighbor as yourself"?
4) Why was the Golden Rule mentioned?
5) What does it mean to abide by the Golden Rule?
6) How many religions were listed that believe in the Golden Rule?

Section 1.8 - Using "Mindful" Communication to Keep Love Alive and Well

1) What is the definition of mindfulness?
2) What does this simple practice allow us to do?
3) When you are having a heated discussion, why is mindfulness important?
4) What dreaded problem can mindfulness help prevent during moments of heightened anger?

Section 1.9 - Using the Arts to Teach Love

1) Why are the arts useful for love education?
2) How many types of art have you learned in your life?
3) What would be your favorite form of art to create displays of love?
4) Have you actually created any arts and crafts for a love display yet? Maybe you added them to your Master Journal.

Section 1.10 - Data about Love, Divorce and Single Parents

1) What is the estimated divorce rate worldwide?
2) Is it increasing or decreasing? How much in the last 4 decades?
3) Why is the divorce rate percentage the wrong objective to focus on? What is more important? 4) What types of issues are negatively impacted during and after a divorce?
5) What is a key concern for children involved in a divorce?
6) What are two differences about nations that have higher rates of divorce?
7) Why can divorce actually be a love story?
8) Is there a stigma to being single or divorced? What is the position of your culture?
9) Why might some people prefer not to get married, or remarried?

Now that you have completed the Final Exam, you can download, edit, save and print your LE-101 "Certificate of Excellence" which is your document of accomplishment certifying you have completed Love Education 101. You may want to add it to your Master Journal of Personal and Relationship Growth.

You can click-on and download, save, edit and print your Diploma, your Certificate of Excellence for completing the online course, Love Education 101: LE-101, sections 1.1 thru 1.10.

You may want to add it to your Master Journal notebook.

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Latest update: July 12, 2020, Rev B: Section 1.1 #7 & 8 added (see section [c] in 1.1)

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